If someone causes an accident and injuries you, call the police.
Do not agree to just exchange information and not call the police.
Not calling the police to write up an official police report is a huge mistake!
It leaves room for the other person to deny that the collision was their fault and could prevent you from collecting any money for the damage to your vehicle or for your medical bills.
Many times, people feel immediate pain or discomfort after a collision. However, they try to “tough it out” and wait to see if they will start feeling better on their own before seeking medical care. This is a mistake. Most of the time you will not feel better without medical treatment. At the very least, a trip to the emergency room or a trip to your primary care doctor can put your mind at ease when you are in pain and unsure of whether you are seriously injured.
Even if you visit the ER or your doctor, if the pain continues, you need to continue medical treatment until you feel better. If you sit at home in pain, doing nothing to get better, you are not doing anyone a favor.
Health insurance should pay for medical bills after any PIP or medpay payments have been exhausted. Our law firm can assist you with filing the proper paperwork to try to get your health insurance to pay your bills so that you will not be turned over to bill collectors.
Your insurance company needs to be informed when you are in a collision, even when it is not your fault.
You DO NOT have to give a recorded statement to the other insurance party. Let the police report speak for itself. They will pressure you to give a statement, but it is not required.
Insurance companies deal with hundreds of claims every week. They know all of the ways to get people to settle for less than they deserve. Signing the wrong document or cashing a check could mean that you are settling your case for far less than you deserve.
If you have questions or you feel that you are being pressured by an insurance company after an accident, please give Sean or Anna a call at (479) 621-0006. We will use our 20+ years of experience to fight for the settlement you deserve.
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